10 Tips to Design the Perfect Living Room

 Photo by leemelina08, CC0 1.0
Your living room is one of the most important parts of your house. It’s the room where you’re going to be entertaining your friends and family. The room where you’re going to be spending Saturday mornings with the kids. That means it should be perfectly designed to make you relax and feel tons of positivity when you spend time there. Keep reading down below, where we’re going to go through some of the top tips we have for designing your perfect living room.
1. Get A Clipping Collection Going
You’ve got to get some inspiration from, somewhere right? Well, the best place in our minds to get some inspiration for your living room design is by starting a clipping collection of the designs you see in magazines. Just find some design magazines and start clipping out various designs for living rooms that look nice to you. Then, you can put them altogether on a mood board to figure out your overall design.
2. Have A Focal Point
When thinking of the layout of your living room, make sure you have a strong focal point. This is the area where most of the attention is going to go. For example, most people have their focal points of their living rooms be the coffee table and the couches surrounding it.
3. De-Clutter as Much as You Can
There’s only a certain amount of clutter than a living room can take before it starts looking too much like a mess. You should aim to de-clutter your living room design as much as you can. Sure, you can have a few knick-knacks here and there, but definitely don’t overdo it. There are all valid reasons to make sure you don’t clutter your living room space too much.
4. Step Away from That Wall
You should not be designing the living room so the furniture is all up against the walls. When you think about a living room, you should have guests sit as close as they can together. This should be the space where everybody can have a clear conversation without having to yell across the room. Don’t be afraid to use that space around your furniture to your advantage.
5. Have A Seat
Make sure that there is plenty of room for people to sit down in your living room, which of course is the main purpose. Even if you have a smaller room, you want to ensure that at least six people can fit into there at all times. This is going to ensure that you never have to worry about how to entertain people in your home.
6. Define the Area
You can define the areas of your living room by laying out rugs of various patterns. For example, you can define the place where people should sit with their shoes off right under the couches.
7. Pay Attention to The Details
Details are the most important parts of the entire living room design. Make sure you have all of those details fixed before you invite your guests over. For example, you should cover up any cords that are lying around that connect lamps or the TV to power outlets.
8. Watch Out for The Color of The Drapes
A general tip for matching your drapes to your living room design is keeping them the color of your furniture or the dominant color of the room. For example, if you have blue furniture, then match the drapes with that blue color.
9. Look Out Below
You want to make sure that your floors are a bit darker than your walls. This provides a nice contrast to the room and gives it some depth that it wouldn’t have if the floors were the same color as the walls and ceiling.
10. Try the Diagonal
If you want to try something new out for your living room, then why not move the furniture into a couple of diagonal positions? It’s boring to have all of the furniture facing one direction, so why not move them around a bit and see what you can come up with!
There you have it! Make sure to follow these tips and you’re going to have a wonderful living room design to work off of.

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